How to Maximize Your Energy Levels with Ameer Rosic – TCE 016

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Ameer Rosic

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Whether we’re talking about producing high quality work or being able to light up a room,  our energy level seems to dictate how well we preform…at least that the case in my experience.

So how the heck can we get more energy to “be on” more often?

Today we have Ameer Rosic on the show to explain how we can design our lives to achieve optimal energy levels.

Ameer is a bio-hacking expert and founder of Not only is he incredibly knowledgeable guy, but his story in truly inspiring.

I probably  learned 10 new things in this conversation with Ameer from how the  time  you go to sleep actually affects your energy levels to why our food might have different nutritional value depending upon where it’s sourced. All apples aren’t the same yo!

Take a step closer to optimal health by tuning into this episode below….

Something sweet from Ameer: “It’s not the number of years that matters, but the life in those years that matters.” – Abraham Lincoln (tweet this)

What You’ll Learn By Listening

  • Mindsets and practices Noah uses to constantly improve his life
  • How to deal with rejection and some example stories
  • The process of “reverse engineering” results to get consistent wins
  • Lessons from some of his recent ventures including how to make products sell better
  • Questions we can ask ourselves if we’re not sure what company to start or who we should work for
  • Clever ways to drive traffic to your website using the reverse engineering technique
  • One “muscle” to build if you want to increase your learning and self-awareness

Listen to the episode here:

Subscribe on Itunes for more interviews or Listen on Stitcher

Thank Ameer for dropping knowledge on us (tweet Ameer here)

Mindshare segment at the end:

Taking the getting 1% better every day approach with virtual assistants

Links & Resources Mentioned:

For more on Ameer at and on Twitter @AmeerRosic

Other resources mentioned:

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*You’ll find a full searchable transcript below

Music Credit: Carousel Games & Stay Awake

Searchable Transcript of This Ameer Rosic Interview:

Scott:   All right Ameer, welcome to The Competitive Edge man, how’re you doing?

Ameer Rosic: I’m good Scott, how’re you doing brother?

Scott:  Awesome. So my buddy Josh Isaac got you on my radar and dude, I have to tell you; the more I read about you, the more fascinated I was because not only are you an entrepreneur trying to build a business like a lot of listening, but you probably know more about health, fitness and wellness than 99% of the people out there. And what I was really curious to hear from you first is your personal fitness philosophy to fitness in what you are trying to maximize because I have a lot of buddies out there, some are trying to have the most energy, some are focused on longevity, some are focused on having a beach-bod and trying to make all these things work together can kind of be tough. So can you take a minute and share with us your personal philosophy in terms of optimizing your health?

Ameer Rosic:        Yeah, that’s a great question Scott and you have to define what ‘optimizing your health’ actually means. For you it may be, ‘I want a beach body’; for Mike down the street it may be longevity, maybe Sarah wants — aesthetically she wants to look good and she wants to have beautiful hair and beautiful skin. We all have different definitions of optimal health and my personal definition of optimal health is being happy. So I have two; number one is being happy and being sustainable.

I think there’s a huge problem today in the health world; everyone is talking about longevity, aesthetics, nutrition and all these models are very complicated. And if you look at it in the long run, I want to live till I’m like 80, 90, 100 or whatever; I really don’t have a number but I want to live to that age in a sustainable manner that I don’t have to do back-flips on a day-to-day basis and everything is on autopilot. I don’t have to think about it, it’s easy and the number one thing about it is that it’s fun and I’m happy. Happiness to me is the number one, optimal health goal that I have in my life. I want to wake up every day with a big smile on my face and be like, ‘yeah man, I’m happy that I’m alive and let’s go crush this day’.

Scott:    Dude, I hear you man, I want to high-five you through the screen right now. [Laughter] So, what are the specific, core rituals or things that you do to achieve that happiness that you just talked about?

Ameer Rosic:        Well, I want to say there are habits to support your happiness, but I think happiness comes from the inside. People are always looking for external modalities or external tools or gadgets to help them become happy inside. Truly, if you believe in Chi or energies or shocker systems and all that sorts or even meridian channels etc., the happiness comes in from within your soul. So it’s all about like on a day-to-day basis, having gratitude; I found that having gratitude is one of the most beneficial things in my life that I started doing in the last two years.

It has really expanded my happiness level. If you look at a level, say I was on level five, now I’m on a level ten and gratitude can be something so simple as I just mentioned earlier Scott. I wake up with a smile on my face and I say, ‘thank you, God’ or ‘thank you, Universe’ or thank you — I don’t know whoever you pray to, thank you for keeping me alive on this planet. And I think that’s something really simple that everyone can start implementing on a day-to-day basis. All these other things like tools, these gadgets, these training modalities such as meditation, they are external but the happiness has to be found inside and you have to do your own soul-searching internally speaking really finding out who you are to find that happiness.

Scott:  Is part of happiness though feeling really good about your body?

Ameer Rosic:        Happiness is overall, everything, all aspects of your life, happiness is being happy with your body, accepting of who you are, happiness is being happy with your financial situation, happiness is being happy with your wife or with your husband or with your kids or with your friends, with you environment where you live, everything. It [Inaudible 0:03:57] everything. So your whole life, it has to be in the happy mode and you can’t be happy on one thing and miserable on the other. There is a misbalance there like the Yin and the Yang; you have to ask yourself, ‘why am I so happy about my relationship with my wife, at the same time, I’m miserable about my body; like what is going on there?’

And these are the questions that you have to ask yourself on a day-to-day basis and I think this is something that all of us can implement daily as auditing ourselves. Feeling like ‘okay Scott, I feel great about my body, I’ve worked out but I feel that my brain is like really sluggish today. What can I do about it? Why is my brain sluggish?’ Always to be asking yourself questions of like, ‘why do I feel this way?’ and ‘how can I improve it?’ And if you do this on a day-to-day basis and if you improve for example one percent per day, think about the compound effect, think about where you are going to be 365 days from now.

Scott:   It’s amazing to forecast it out, I absolutely love it. One of the things that I want to talk to you about today is that this is something that I’m constantly trying to improve one percent is to just have more energy. As a guy trying to build a business, trying to launch this podcast and trying to fulfill a lot of my ambitions, the number one thing that I want is more energy and I’d love to hear your thoughts about how we can achieve that.

Ameer Rosic:  Yeah, energy; so this really goes on a person to person basis but there is like a general template and energy has different realms. You have to look at different sections of your life that all contribute for Scott having good energy; number one is nutrition, number two is lifestyle and number three is sleep. So they are all part of the big pie and if you remove one, you won’t have energy, so all of them have to be working in unity to have that maximum, optimal energy. So number one, let’s focus on nutrition. Now, there’s a lot of nutrition today; Paleo Diet, Vegan, vegetarian, pescatarian, etc., so many different variants.

At the end of the day, if you are eating a whole foods diet, focusing on quality foods, for example let’s talk about the Paleo Diet that is something similar that I do. So focusing on quality grass-fed meats, which has good amounts of proteins, quality fats, Omega-3s, has also other fat-soluble vitamins such as Vitamin A, D, E, K all these proteins, amino acids and fats, they are going to help you stabilize your blood sugar levels, they’re going to help you actually create more protein synthesis in your body, they’re going to help you actually decrease your stress response in the body. So, that is number one, focusing on a whole foods diet.

Forget the standard American diet, if you are eating fast food, if you are buying food that comes in a cardboard box or cans, that’s not going to support your energy. That’s actually doing the opposite. It’s destroying your energy. So if you haven’t done it already, focus on a whole foods diet, go out there and find a basic Paleo-template model or any of those other models and follow that ASAP. The second thing is lifestyle. So now, you have the diet, diet is in there, everything is keyed up, now it’s the lifestyle. Now, what’s important about lifestyle is, what are you doing on a day-to-day basis for your body to heal and for your energy levels to stay stable?

So, one of my special tricks that I have is, if you have the opportunity to, in the morning, work out; and I don’t care what kind of work out it is, it can be a strength-training workout, it can be high-intensity training workout, it can be some sprints, it can be CrossFit, it can be kettlebells, it can be bodyweight, it can be power-lifting etc., doesn’t matter with me but when you work out in the morning, you’re going to help your blood sugar stabilize, you’re going to help your Cortisol levels stabilize, to have a proper secreting rhythm, your hormones will increase, such as Testosterone, DHEA, Estrogen, your growth hormone will as well increase.

So you got diet number one, you got lifestyle factors working out in the morning and the final key factor is sleep. Now, sleep is a hidden, secret component in all of this. So if you have the nutrition and if you have the training, sleep is going to repair all of those. So, sleep is at 10:00 PM at night time, that’s a no-brainer. Like you can’t be going to bed at 1:00 AM your body runs on clocks and the later that you stay up, the sicker you become and it’s proven in studies after studies any one can go pub med and research it. So I always advocate to going to bed for 10:00 PM, sleeping in a pitch-black room, pretty cold room, not eating too close to bedtime and really giving your body the care it deserves because if you don’t heal your body at night time, your hormones, the very next day will be depleted.

Scott:                     Yeah man, I have so much that I want to dig in here and the first — because there’s conflicting information and just things that I don’t know about that I know that you have done way more diligence and testing in. So, let’s talk about lifestyle for a second here and I’m curious why working out at 7:00 in the morning versus lunch time versus the evening, has an effect on our hormones if we’re still doing the same workout.

Ameer Rosic Interview:        It all depends on your goals too; like if you are talking about specifically energy, like that’s all we are talking about, maintaining blood sugar levels, maintaining a healthy Cortisol secreting rhythm, maintaining healthy [Inaudible 0:09:17] testosterone levels with inside of your body, then training in the morning is advised. Now if you are an athlete or somebody looking for maximum returns, then for a male specifically, training anywhere from 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM is the best bet for maximum lifts. It’s not your best bet for maximum energy; they are two different ball games because if you look at secreting hormones, your testosterone is roughly at its max peak at 4:00 PM. So from 3:00 o’clock to 6:00 PM, roughly around that window is when you have the most testosterone.


So if you look at pro-athletes like in Olympic lifting or even of that Olympic caliber, a lot of them try to gear their training in that later afternoon period because they are actually stronger. However, that doesn’t mean that your energy levels are going to be better, so that is always advocated if you have the luxury — keyword ‘if’, to try to do some training in the morning and why that is good is two reasons; one is it can stabilize your Cortisol and two, from a psychological viewpoint, it’s out of the way. So if the day continues, you may make excuses of ‘I had this’, ‘I had to take a call’, ‘I’m too busy’ and then you’ll never get to the gym. But if you do it right away in the morning, then it’s out of the way.


Scott:                     Makes total sense. The other question that I have is about sleep; so assuming you sleep in a pitch-black room and you go to bed at 10:00 PM and you go to bed versus 2:00 AM and you sleep the same amount of time, why are we deriving more energy from that 10:00 PM bedtime?


Ameer Rosic Interview:        Because our bodies are dictated by our environment; when the sun rises and the sun sets, the photons or the energy packs from the sun actually control our hormones. That’s why it’s called secreting rhythms by a 24-hour clock circa. So basically our skin — or let me rewind, every cell in your body is influenced by light, that’s why we are active during the day. Even if it’s overcast and cloudy, you’re still getting a degree of energy and sunlight and photons to your skin and that’s keeping you active. That’s why at nighttime you feel tired because of the lack of sunlight. And that’s whey when you go to bed, for example at 2:00 AM, our bodies through the last like millions and millions of years of evolution, and when I mean by evolution, us being dictated by the rising and the setting of the sun has actually programmed our cells to release hormones at a certain time.


So if you look at studies, if you look at testosterone, melatonin, growth hormone, all of them actually work in a linear pattern. Meaning that if one is not functioning properly, the other one is not activated and let’s just talk about melatonin, people may be familiar with this as it’s your master sleep hormone. If you have healthy levels, it puts you to bed; well, this is a kicker, Melatonin is actually released three hours before full sunset. So when the sun is slowly setting, very small amounts, point one micro-milligrams from your Pineal gland, is secreted into your blood and eventually, by sunset, say 10:00 o’clock or depending on what climate you are and what season you are, your body will now become tired because you have healthy levels in your bloodstream. But what happens if you’re like up to 1:00 AM surrounded by artificial light?


Your Pineal gland — so your Pineal gland is located — it’s like one of the shocker systems, it’s located between your two eyes, right above your nose and if you are up around 1:00 AM to 2:00 AM surrounded by light-bulbs everywhere, cell phones, computer, your body thinks that’s the sun and it’s telling you Scott that it’s still day time. So it’s decreasing your melatonin. So if you have a decrease in melatonin; A, you’re not going to be able to go to bed, and B, if you have low levels of melatonin, you have low levels of testosterone, low levels of growth hormone, low levels of dopamine, which has been correlated to attention-deficit disorders and basically in a day if you have low levels of melatonin, it is also increasing inflammation in your body.


All because of you going to bed at 2:00 AM and surrounding yourself with technologies because at the end of the day, we evolved in our environment, outdoors, we did not evolve in a house.


Scott:                     So, we’re more or less going against what we have been programmed to do for tens of thousands of years?


Ameer Rosic:        Exactly.


Scott:                     Interesting. So let’s say somebody is listening in to this episode right now and they are going to bed at 3:00 AM and because of that, they are waking up at 11:00 in the morning, is there like a step by step program to rewire themselves?


Ameer Rosic:        Yeah, there is; I actually created a system for that but that’s a whole different story. But like a simple one-two-three recap is this; try to go to bed at 10:00 PM every night. Our body likes consistencies just like a computer programmer programs himself online, he has to be consistent. He can’t be like, ‘oh, I’m going to do it here or there and hopefully get finished’. No, he got to do it on a day-to-day basis. So, going to bed at 10:00 PM, that’s the first thing. So the time is out of the window, now what you do before 10:00 PM is where the magic happens. At 9:00 o’clock or 8:30, I personally like to do 8:00 o’clock but say 8:30, all electronics, all lights; everything around your house should be shut down.


And I’m talking about computer — there’s no reason you should be on your email till like one hour before bed. I’m talking about your cell phone, I’m talking about everything; everything shut down. Now, if you do want to watch a movie on a computer, I’m saying, if you do; I’d advise you don’t, it should be time that you spend time with your family, read a book, talk to your family, laugh, there’s no reason you should be on electronics but if you do and if you are one of these individuals that desperately wants to watch TV, which you shouldn’t, but desperately wants to watch something on your computer, you can use a program called Flux. It is completely free, it is open-source software which you can download for Mac and PC and basically what it does, it controls your screen.


It actually illuminates it in a very orangey-red tint and this orangey-red tint actually blocks the blue light wave which has been shown in studies to actually stimulate your Cortisol. So that’s that wavelength that we see throughout the day from the sun. So what this program Flux does is it actually stops the blue light from hitting your eyes. But then you are still around electronics, you are still stimulating your mind, making your mind work which is not good. That’s why I always advocate, no electronics, no cell phone, no nothing, read a book — maybe take an Epsom salt bath; so you can go to your bath, draw nice hot water and Epsom salt is basically Magnesium crystals and you add anywhere from two cups to three cups in a hot bath, chill out and relax.


The Magnesium helps you increase Melatonin, it relaxes your neurons in your brain and it helps you also to increase healthy levels of GABA and it also at the same time it relaxes your muscles. And it’s a great way to actually heal yourself from workouts which I pretty much do on a nightly basis and it really puts you in the mood for sleep. So these simple tips that you can do. Shut off the lights two hours before bed, no electronics, read a book, have some fun with the family; number two, you can then do an Epsom salt bath relaxing there maybe with your partner. If you are by yourself, relax, read a book maybe with a candle by your side and I guarantee, if you haven’t done this already, try it out and your sleep will rapidly improve.


Scott:                     I’m just fascinated because so many people that I talk to that are ambitious like yourself, that are entrepreneurs or aspiring entrepreneurs, the idea of stopping the computer and electronics and the productivity associated with that at 8:00 PM just sounds impossible. I mean how do you manage all of your ambitions whilst still having this cutoff period so early in the evening?


Ameer Rosic:        Remember what I said at the beginning, it’s about sustainability; truthfully, I don’t like the computer that much even though my whole business is on the computer. I don’t enjoy being on the computer, it actually hurts me. I love being around my family; forget business, what’s business at the end of the day? I care about life experience, Abraham Lincoln has a saying, “it’s not the number of years in your life that matters, but the life in those years that matters.”


What better than to spend it with my girlfriend or with my friends or with my kids or something like that at night time and enjoy their company, why the hell should I be on the computer? Businesses come and go, your family do not come and go, you have them for this lifetime. You can lose ten businesses and rebuild, but your experiences, your happy experiences that you experience with your friends and family are the most precious to me.


Scott:                     Dude, I got to tell you, I had this trip coming up that I was thinking about doing and I wasn’t — and it’s to the Amazon, I don’t know if you know this, I live in Brazil and I wasn’t going to go because I had a couple of interviews scheduled for this podcast and just a bunch of work that I want to catch up on and I think you might have changed my mind right here in this episode. Thank you, you’re so right.


Ameer Rosic:        Do it man, like you only live once and experience is what makes us human. The reason you and I are having this podcast, this conversation today is because our great ancestors decided to immigrate somewhere, decided to travel somewhere, decided to take a risk and experience these new experiences in their life. And I think as entrepreneurs today, we have to be very careful as not to be trapped in by technologies. We are so over-obsessed, like supremely obsessed with technologies when in reality I truthfully believe that the new-age technologies that are coming out, these so-called social media technologies are actually disconnecting us from our humanity and we are living in this artificial matrix lifestyle.


‘Oh yeah, I’m on Facebook, I’m talking to my friends’. No, you’re not; nothing beats sitting down in front of your real friend, laughing over a joke, maybe sipping on Espresso or you going to Peru or something and enjoying and experience with your friends that you’ll never ever forget.


Scott:                     Yeah, it’s so true, I think it’s crippled us in so any ways, I have noticed it in my own life; it’s made me have just less patience, less connected with peers, crippled social skills, I couldn’t not agree more with you man, and I’m really happy that you bring this up. And I’m just very curious to know a little more about when you started getting really in — like a little bit more of about your story because I think this would be — a lot of people are probably pretty far from where you are right now in terms of your knowledge and your interest in physiology and health and wellness, and when did you really start getting into this stuff?


Ameer Rosic:        Yeah, it’s funny though like a lot of people look at me and go, oh, it’s easy for Ameer. My old friends know me who I am but like basically my story comes from this. I never went to high school, I actually got kicked out of two — it all originates back to my teenager years. I got kicked out of two high schools, I was like a troublemaker. I’d be able to actually pass elementary school, they said, I had a learning disability and after I got kicked out, ending grade nine, beginning grade ten, roughly around those transition times, I kept on hearing this same message over and over again.


You have to go to school because you have to go to college, university, because you got to get a job, because you got to get to make money, that’s the linear line. I’m like, okay, let me bypass all of that and I get into extra-curricular activities, doing a bunch of straight up, drug dealing — bunch of crazy stuff and I made a lot of money when I was younger and I’m like let me bypass all of that and I’m just going to do this. Here I am, like a 16-year old, 17-year old making boatloads of cash, more than anybody around me and living the life.


Fast-forward a couple of years, I continue to do the same thing; partying very heavily, abusing my body, drugs, alcohol, like heavily like Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday — I was one of the guys that see you going to club and there’s bottle service people. You know what I’m talking about? Here’s 300 bucks, 400 bucks, 500 bucks, going crazy and next thing you know is that three days has passed on this crazy bench. And I kept on going and going and going and I kept on getting in more trouble, I kept on getting into more fights and so fighting was my high back then. I always loved to go into street-fights, I’ve been in so many street fights that I can’t even count, 50-70, I don’t even know.


And eventually fast-forward another three years and now I’m at — so I’m 28 right now and so this happened roughly when I was like 21-22. I was at a bar, I was getting drunk and something happened to my friends outside and I quickly run outside and I see some dude on top of my friend and obviously I do what I do best. I grab this guy, bam-bam-bam, I do my thing and he goes to the hospital and the next thing I know, three days later, I get a knock on my door and it’s like a whole SWAT team of cops. And they arrested me for that, I knew it straight away but it was different, this guy was connected to somebody, but anyways whatever. Fast-forward another year later, Supreme Court at Canada wanted to give me two years in jail but I ended up getting half year.


So I went to Provincial Jail in Ontario for half a year and it was there when my life kind of transformed. It wasn’t like jail itself though was tough, jail was all political. If you know how to handle yourself, it’s fine. It’s a very horrible environment to be in and I don’t recommend anyone go to jail but I was pointing a finger at everybody. Like one month inside, I’m like, ‘all you guys are losers, why the F am I here’, etc. and it kind of dawned on me at the exact moment that I’m pointing my fingers at all these losers when in reality I was this loser. I’m the reason I’m in jail, nobody else. I was abusing my body, eating garbage food, doing bunch of drugs, fighting people, like I was really toxic. And this was going on for like a decade straight.


So it actually caught up to me and at the exact same time, right before I was going to jail, I met my current girlfriend, she was kind of like my guiding light behind this. Like a random person showing me unconditional love; I couldn’t believe it, I actually didn’t believe in love. I was actually laughing and pointing my fingers at all my friends that found love; I’m like you guys are morons. I left jail and [Laughter] —


Scott:                     Oh gosh, I have so many friends that do the same things, anyways, continue.


Ameer Rosic:        Yeah, and I’m the one most deeply in love right now so it’s funny how irony works. And I left jail and I decided to seclude myself; I decided to go into hibernation and basically for three or four years I decided to figure out how I can improve myself. I went back to the gym full-time and I went back to MMA as I have been doing martial arts my whole life and I decided to go back to amateur boxing and that’s where I kind of discovered kettlebell training from one of my boxing coaches.


So, I went to this kettlebell seminar to learn about it and it was in this seminar that I found out all about the Paleo Diet, a bunch of books; Rob’s books, Art DeVany’s books or the whole nine yards and kind of made instinctive sense to me. Eat whole foods, drop this crappy bread and all that and I’m like okay, I did it and I kid you not Scott, my life transformed in 30 days. I used to walk around with depression my whole life and that’s why I was doing drugs and kind of like fighting and looking for those highs because I was trying to fill that void, I was trying to get that internal high and trying to brighten up my spirituality and my essence because I was a walking zombie and anything that I touched turned into darkness.


So as soon as I dropped the grains the commercial dairies and started eating a Paleo Diet and living a Paleo lifestyle, [Inaudible 0:24:56] a natural, human lifestyle, my life transformed. And I was like, ‘holy sh**, if this happened to me in 30 days, imagine what could happen to me in a decade from now.’ Then I decided to roll back into the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition, Functional Diagnostic Nutrition, did a bunch of functional medicine stuff, competed in kettle bell competitions, martial arts etc.


I really dug in deep, went into the trenches of finding out what true optimal health is and ever since then, I have been educating people, coaching entrepreneurs, coaching top performing people and athletes and doing my podcast and YouTube video and workshops and really spreading the message because if I can do it — if I can come from a place of abusing my body for a decade, going to jail, fu**ing around and coming to where I am 180 degree circle to where I am today, anyone else can do it.


Scott:                     That is an inspiring story and I really just want to let you know that I appreciate your candidness and vulnerability sharing that with us and it’s fun because I hear a lot of people talk about the Paleo Diet and I do a version of it now but when I first heard of it, I’m like this is total crap, you are telling me that just changing foods is going to change your life and then your story is like this and you just get it like [Inaudible 0:26:10].


Ameer Rosic:        Yeah, I was shocked. Like my depression — you have to imagine that I felt like a cloud of black, oozing tar was following me everywhere I went for years on end and anything I did, anything I touched, anything I wanted to do was pure darkness. Like this deep darkness that I can’t really explain, unless you’ve gone through it, it’s hard to explain it. And when I left jail and I started eating like that, like couple of months afterwards and when I got out, I could not believe it how my mind cleared. I literally woke up one day with a clarity like someone has replaced that black, dark cloud with blue sky.


And it was incredible and I’m like ‘my god, can you imagine now if the rest of the world started eating a whole foods diet? The possibility like the crime rate will go down, and the addiction rates ‘– and in fact, I wrote an article just the other day talking about cocaine versus sugar addiction. How sugar is actually more addictive to cocaine and can you imagine, if we started actually incorporating whole foods died and healthy lifestyle in drug rehab facilities or even educating the children at a young age of the importance of eating a whole foods diet, how much more or repercussions in a positive way that will actually happen to society; all our problems today — I won’t say all of them but lot of our problems today would actually disappear.


Scott:                     It’s fascinating to think about, I think there’s a lot of people out there that aren’t necessarily as familiar with a whole foods diet and what exactly that entails. Do you have any resources that I can link up or we could send people to if they want to get more information on this?


Ameer Rosic:        Yeah, they can go to my website if they want, just Ameer Rosic dot com, another great website is [Inaudible 0:27:59] they are really good. They talk about the whole whole-foods, farming and sustainability and another great website, it’s not about the whole foods, it’s about getting to know your local farmers, getting to know who actually grows your food and that is called Eat Wild. So if you just type in ‘Eat Wild’ there’s two different sites for Canada and United States like Eat Wild dot CA dot com and that’s a great resource where people can actually find the local farmers and actually forge a relationship with them and actually know wow, this is where my food comes from.


And they can see firsthand how food is grown and that’s what I do. I know my farmers, I know where my cows and chickens come from, I know where my vegetables come from and in fact I spent almost a month in an organic farm, learning organic farming and seeing exactly what it takes. It’s not easy and a lot of blood, sweat and tears goes into farming.


Scott:                     Yeah, I can imagine. Coming from New York City, the idea of getting to know my farmers is pretty far end but it has to be amazing to know that everything you’re eating is fresh.


Ameer Rosic:        Yeah, and it’s all about the local sustainability — I’m about sustainability, that’s what I really want to focus my attention on. In this day and age of global economies and importing and exporting, it may be good for technologies, it may be good for other types of businesses but I like to look at how can we make a more thriving community? Forget what’s happening in China, forget what’s happening in Russia; me here, Ameer in Colona, how can I make Colona a better place for my community? How can I support my farmers? How can I support my local businessmen? And this works on two-fold; A, you’re supporting your local business making more job opportunities and B, the food that you are purchasing is hundred times more nutritionally dense than other food and I give this example.


You mentioned that you are living in Brazil right now, Scott right? If I grab an organic apple from Brazil, it’s going to take roughly 30-40 days to get to my front door over here in the West Coast by freight on the ocean. Now, compare it to an apple that is literally grown 20 minutes from organic farm down my street, which apple do you think is more nutritionally dense at the end of the day?


Scott:                     The one down the street.


Ameer Rosic:        This works vice versa for you, instead of you buying an apple from Canada, your apple in Brazil is a hundred times more nutritionally dense. So now you’re supporting your local farmers, making a better economy in your area and getting healthier food.


Scott:                     I think that it’s something that is glossed over certain times is that — and you really have brought this to my attention at this moment is that an apple isn’t an apple, there’s in terms of how much nutrition you are actually able to get out of that.


Ameer Rosic:        Yeah.


Scott:                     That’s why people don’t have farmers, I mean where do they go, if they can’t go to the local — they live in a town that doesn’t necessarily have local fair, is Whole Foods the best option? Like what’s the best —


Ameer Rosic:        [Technical difficulty] You have Whole Foods, you may have like small health food stores, but honestly some people even think about growing their own gardens in the back. So we have something in Canada; I’m pretty sure they have it in United States for sure. Lot of people have land in the back; now you may not be well-versed in gardening which is not hard but everyone can learn gardening and maybe just don’t have the time. So A, you’re not well-versed and B, do not have the time to garden. There are services out there that actually do all the gardening for you.


They’ll plant the vegetables, they’ll maintain the vegetables, maybe plant something like small shrubs or whatever plant, that kind of architectural plan for the garden they have — at the end of the season, you get about like 30% of all the harvest and they take about 70. So this is a great sustainable model. A, you’re getting free food, B, the land that you’re never going to use is now being used C, the 70% of the food that individual has farmed, they now resell it at the markets around there. So, it’s such a beautiful model that I see duplicated in Toronto, they have it in Vancouver, they have it here in Colona.


And I’m pretty sure they have it all across the United States and if you just Google for example ‘garden sharing co-ops’ or something like that, I’m pretty sure you can find someone in the community or city that does this service.


Scott:                     Very interesting concept. One of the things that I wanted to touch on and it really came back to me after you talked a little bit about how your mind cleared, because I’ve heard you talk about in previous episodes, how it is actually possible to increase or maximize your IQ. Can you touch upon that a little bit?


Ameer Rosic:        Yeah, so IQ is interesting right, but first we have to understand how we are actually measuring IQ and understand that it’s a mathematical task and obviously IQ doesn’t mean intelligence. It’s just a technicality on a piece of paper. However, it’s always good to bio-hack and quantify your progression. You have an IQ, or you have an EQ and many different things. There are simple things that you actually do on a day-to-day basis; I’m just going to name two things literally — let me name three things that are free, quick, easy that everyone can incorporate right away.


Number one, right before you do anything in the morning, say your gratitude and start meditating for ten minutes. It can be any form of meditation. Meditation has been found in study after study to decrease stress, increase Alpha-waves, increase the ability for your neurons to communicate with each other and it’s such a great way for neuro-plasticity. So it can be any form of meditation, it can be you closing your eyes and just letting your mind wander. It can be more like Zen meditation for something like what I do is like, I stare at an object outside; so I’m barefoot and I’ll stare at a tree or a blade of grass or something like that and focus my entire attention on that for like ten minutes.


Pick a form of meditation and do it in the morning. After you have done that meditation, this is where you can go to your computer and download a free game or on your cell phone, there’s an app for Android and I believe there’s an app for the iPhone as well. It’s called N-Back and it’s actually the only proven software in the world, clinically proven — no other software has a claim to this except this one, clinically proven to actually increase your IQ by 20 points and it’s very hard to explain because it’s all about memorizing, visual cues and at the same time memorizing the actual physical cues on the screen.


But this is a great system that you can actually track and quantify your progression and it’s something very simple to do. I do anywhere about 10 minutes to 15 minutes of it. And finally number three, something simple that literally anyone can do [Laughter], are you guys ready for this one?


Scott:                     I’m ready; I’m on the edge of my seat.


Ameer Rosic:        Drink fresh water. This is an overlooked aspect. We are always looking at like these external modalities; it’s like what new game can we make or what kind of supplement can I take or what kind of food can I take? Reality, your cells function on water. If you are dehydrated, your neurons don’t function properly so that’s why I always advocate sourcing fresh, spring water and always drinking pure amounts of water. One of my morning rituals for water is I have a liter of reverse-osmosis water.


I add trace minerals in there, it can either be sea-salt, it can be trace minerals; I squeeze about one gigantic lime or lemon in there, add a little bit of organic baking soda for the biocarbony, I shake that puppy up and I chug away. And those are three simple principles that you can boost your IQ by 20 points; meditation gratitude in the morning, doing N-Back training and getting that one liter of water in the morning right away.


Scott:                     Now how much water should we be drinking a day and I’m also curious to hear, when you say ‘fresh spring water’, is that Dasani, Poland Spring, does that count? Can you define that?


Ameer Rosic:        I’ll give you by priorities, meaning like scale of purity. Number one, if you can get spring water that comes from the outdoors, because sun actually structures water. So what we think of water is not really water, there’s something known as structured water or phase four of water. And within water you have the H2O molecules and these H2O molecules actually combine together to create something called clusters and these clusters can make geometrical shapes.


These geometrical shapes can dictate whether your cell that aquapore [Inaudible 0:36:37] channels in your cell actually open up and actually absorb the water and the rate absorption and the rate of the hydrogen breaking apart to create energy and the electrons etc, so number one is if you can source outdoor fresh spring water; number two is the filter system. So, if you are living full time in the house, I’d recommend getting a reverse osmosis filter. You have two options, you can have one that’s actually installed in your sink, goes right underneath your sink and then you don’t need to worry about it and the second system is you have a counter-top system where actually, it’s through gravity, you’ll pour water on top and then the water will flow through all of these filter systems and it’s going to remove all the impurities.


And the impurities are chlorine, fluoride, pharmaceutical chemicals, a lot of xenobiotics and many other of these chemicals that your body does not want in it, and the halogens as well which is a big problem to actually for your water to absorb. So, those are the two ways that you can get water; fresh water from the outdoors or reverse osmosis and there’s one other way if you want, you can actually order spring water so it’s like water companies such as Spring Well in Canada they actually source spring water for you and they actually deliver it in like a glass bottle to your front door.


Scott:                     Interesting, new version of the milkman. And how much water should we drink in a day?


Ameer Rosic:        Yeah, that’s a complicated question; I’ve asked many people who are water specialists, I asked the same question to Gerald Pollock who is one of the world’s leading specialist in natural structured water and my point of view is that it actually depends on activity levels and depends on how healthy you are because the healthier you are the more water you hold. Like inside of yourself both intracellularly and extracellularly; the sicker you are the more water you actually disperse. I think anywhere from three liters and above in this day and age is wise. [technical difficulty] there’s many reasons behind that and I’m not even going into the EMF reasons, I’m not going into the stress reasons, I’m not even going to any other reasons of why we are getting dehydrated, but I think three liters of water a day is a wise choice.


Scott:                     That’s a lot of water man. [Laughter]


Ameer Rosic:        [Technical difficulty]


Scott:                     It’s amazing how when you change the measuring metric like how much more manageable it becomes.


Ameer Rosic:        It’s water bottles, one water bottle is 500 milliliters times that by two, that’s one liter, so that’s six of them.


Scott:                     Got it. Ameer one of the questions that I always like to finish with is asking our guest to give people just one tip that maybe they haven’t necessarily talked about yet to get an edge in their business, in their health and whatever the discussion is. Is there anything else that you have done in your life, that you just really preach to other people that they should start doing this that we haven’t got the chance to touch upon?


Ameer Rosic:        Journaling. [Technical difficulty] right away; two of my most amazing friends [technical difficulty] me on journaling where they create a journal about a year ago called the Five-Minute Journal and it has exponentially transformed my life both from a physical point of view, mindset point of view, spiritual point of view and it really gives you true insights of what’s happening internally in your body both from like a metaphysical point of view and all these thoughts that are kind of like stirring in your mind. So, if you haven’t already, start journaling. I’m not saying that you have to do a five-minute journal; all I’m saying is that you can get a piece of paper right now 8 by 11 and start writing. But start journaling your thoughts on a day-to-day basis and I guarantee you, in six months from now, magical things will start happening.


Scott:                     Now when you say journaling, I’m just curious a little bit more about your process; do you literally just free-flow your thoughts, do you have specific questions that you answer each day?


Ameer Rosic:        The journal that I do has certain questions that basically — right away in the morning you have three questions that says, what are you grateful for? So three things that you are absolutely grateful for, three things that you would like to accomplish and then, at night time you have a different portion. Three things that I really kicked ass today and then three things that you wish you could have done. You can reframe these questions, you can do whatever. People who don’t have that journal, what I did before and I didn’t do it every day but I would literally brain dump any thoughts on a piece of paper.


It could be a regular — like I mentioned before, 8 by 11 piece of paper, but whatever comes to your mind, just start writing, just completely start writing all your ideas, thoughts, emotions, feelings on that piece of paper because our brains are supercomputers. We are quantum creatures and just like a regular computer, we have to store that information away. But a lot of times there’s junk information and random thoughts that cause a lot of issue and it’s good to organize your mind and when you actually put your thoughts on paper, it actually creates this new type of foundation, this new type of way that your brain can actually handle the information that was input throughout the day and kind of like label it and put it away in the proper place where it needs to go.


Scott:                     Yeah, that makes total sense; I just find it so much easier to have clarity and just clearness an ability to focus when you are writing stuff on paper, for me. At least that’s how I feel. Ameer, you have taught us so much today man, I want to thank you, and we’ve talked about how to increase our energy, we’ve talked about hydration and water, journaling, all these things that are going to help us get an edge. Where is the best place, if people want more of this type of quality information, for them to go and learn more about you and what you teach?


Ameer Rosic:        Yeah, the best way to reach is to go on my website which is Ameer Rosic dot com where I do my three times a week podcasts, articling, YouTube-ing, you name it, just find me out there and if you guys want more information about what I do, high-end coaching for entrepreneurs, athletes, CEOs, just shoot me an email and I’d be more than happy to chat with you.


Scott:                     All right man thanks so much for coming on again, I really appreciate it.


[End of transcript 0:42:53]


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