On Monday I launched a book on Amazon that climbed to #1 in Business and #4 amongst all Kindle books on Amazon in the free section.
I’m new to this game and have no idea whether this will actually result in anything in besides bio bling, but that’s not what this post is about…
What I want to share with you is the exact process of how this kindle “Best Seller” was created in less than 5 hours by leveraging outsourcing and assets I already had…
My hope is that by the end of this post, you’ll have some fresh ideas about how you can be creating assets that push you forward using things you already have without too much heavy …
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“You’re going on in 5…and relax. You’re only going to be in front of a few million people.”
I wasn’t quite sporting the same grin as the Channel 7 camera guy.
I was about to do a live interview on their Sunrise breakfast program. It was Australia’s most popular morning show. Similar to Good Morning America, but for the land down under I suppose.
Two hours before that I was at an ABC studio filming for FusionTV on the heels of a call with Radio New Zealand.
How the heck did this happen from a single blog post?
Below is the story of how I accidentally got international, mainstream media coverage…without having a big name or massive audience.
I’ll codify the series of events …
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If you like buritto bowls, behavioral psychology, and life hacks you will like this article.
Few things interest me more than human behavior and getting more chicken and guac in my buritto bowls. I could eat burrito bowls all day long.
Fresh off reading Influence by Robert Cialdini for the 2nd time, I had lunch with my fellow carnivore buddy Charlie at this new burrito place Guac Star. I noticed that he ordered a chicken bowl without rice AND BEANS.
As a “just black beans” with meat guy, I was intrigued…
…I started thinking about the contrast principle from Influence and whether there was an opportunity to leverage this concept in this situation.
The Contrast Principle states that humans make relative judgements instead …
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I’ve tried this 4 times and I know it’s worked twice…
Having an understanding of how people behave puts you in a unique position to engineer situations so you achieve ideal outcomes…
Today I want to talk about a [theoretical] strategy you can use to further enhance positive feelings people have about you.
Have you ever been introduced to someone and totally rocked the in-person meeting? Feels good right…
In an ideal world, the person you just met reports back to your mutual contact that they got a lot out of the connection (and that you’re cool a badass). You want this to happen because it further supports your street cred and gives the connector a sense of gratification from the value …
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I recently talked lifehacks, BD, WHY YOU SHOULD NEVER LINKEDIN MESSAGE SOMEONE etc at the New York Lifehack Meetup. Thanks for having me Sam Hysell!
Below you’ll find some video fun where we talk about:
How I got involved with SP
How to take the 80/20 approach to hack networking (shhhh…don’t tell anyone)
Ways to “create value” for people when trying to network with the big boys
The art of “creating serendipity” and how I got Keith Ferrazzi, author of my favorite book Never Eat Alone to buy me dinner
How to give people a personal update on your life without it being a “ME, ME, ME” fest
What the law of reciprocity is and how to leverage the heck out of it to convince someone to meet you …
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I have a dedicated virtual assistant who helps me out for 10 hours a month through an awesome company called Zirtual. For the next 6 months I’m getting this service for free…
My virtual assistant’s name is Josiah and he’s an absolute stud. Today I want to tell you how I’ve leveraged existing assets to get this service for free for ATLEAST the next 6 months (retail value $1200 bones!). If you discount a crap ton of existing work on building a platform, this took me less than 2 hours accomplish. Time to explain…
Today, the only way you can get access to Zirtual’s network of U.S. based, dedicated virtual assistants is through a Zirtual referral from an existing customer. As …
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I wanted to talk about my playbook for marketing a Udemy course by sharing the exact steps I took to market my course.
But first the results
I released it just under three weeks ago:
182 Students
Total sales – $1,118.00
My share – $763.10
10 reviews – All 5 Stars
Pretty meh for 15 hours of work if you ask me. But hey, the income is passive and it’s only been up for 3 weeks. Right now I’m generating $50.80 an hour for that work, but as I continue to get sales that number will increase. More amazing perspective about why you should be developing Passive Income here.
Okay, here’s exactly what I did to market it…
Step …
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This week I came out with my first Udemy Course called Sleep Hacking: Have More Energy, Spend Less Time in Bed.
I created the course because I’ve been able to dramatically increase my energy while reducing my total sleep time from an average of 7.5 to 6 hours a night by building great habits that helped improve my sleep quality. Compound that 1.5 hour reduction over the course of a year and that’s an additional 30 waking days I’ll have this year (assuming 18 hours of waking time per day). SICK!!
I want to share a portion of the class on the ol blog. Here’s a high level overview of what’s covered in this video just in case you have the …
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