If you don’t live in a hole, there’s a strong chance you’ve come across a group buying site like groupon, living social etc. I’ll go even further and say, there’s a strong chance you’ve convinced yourself to purchase something on one of these sites…I mean anyone would be foolish to pass up such an awesome deal right? Everywhere I go I feel like more and more of these sites are springing up. It begs me to ask the question, is there an end in site for this space?
My impression is that these sites originally sprung up to allow small businesses to reach new consumers by offering awesome deals on local services. Consumers get to try things they may have not …
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I’m always intrigued by the aisle near the checkout line that has all kinds of products people
In the world of startups the hierarchy that plagues the traditional corporate America is far less an obstacle when it comes to opinions reaching the top. As a result, people are constantly lobbying for what they believe to be best. Whether it refers to product, marketing, or where we should go to team lunch everyone has an opinion.
The constant lobbying can result in a culture where everyone is quick to point out problems…especially when they result from a teammate’s decision. Obviously this is detrimental to a team’s cohesiveness, but I think the counter productivity stretches much farther. These situations do more than hurt the cohesiveness necessary to execute; they cause a teams’ focus to stray from how to solve problems.
In …
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