Get A Startup Job

Want a job at a startup in business development? Check out this course on how to get a BD Job that comes out soon…

Business Devlopment Job


Ok back to the original programming: Here is a collection of posts I think anyone looking to get a Startup job or break into Tech might find interesting:

How to Break in and Build A Network in the Startup Scene from Scratch

The Art of Asking Someone to Meet For Coffee

How I Got into BD Part 1

How I Got into BD Part 2

How I Got into BD Part 3

Who Should I Work For?

One Approach to Landing Your Dream Job

How to Start Using Twitter and Building Your Online Presence (Non-Toolish, Startup Remix 1.0)

The Biggest Networking Fail (And one most people trying to break in make)

Do More Than Be A Great Employee

Success Stories About People Getting Business Jobs In The Tech World (Post by my buddy Alex Taub)


Great Articles on Landing A Startup Job

The Path to Starting A Startup by Scott Weiss

Stop Applying to Startups by Quentin Farmer


Other Resources for Startup Jobs / Breaking into Tech:

Events – Startup Digest and This Week In New York Tech

Companies – Made in NYC – A list of all the startup companies in New York including who’s hiring

New York – An Entrepreneur’s Guide to New York Tech courtesy of Schlaf

Startup Primer: People to Follow on Twitter, Books, and Sites – courtesy of Besvinick

Case Studies on how some people got startup jobs and internships:

John Exley (Hashable)

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