Get A Startup Job
Want a job at a startup in business development? Check out this course on how to get a BD Job that comes out soon…
Ok back to the original programming: Here is a collection of posts I think anyone looking to get a Startup job or break into Tech might find interesting:
How to Break in and Build A Network in the Startup Scene from Scratch
The Art of Asking Someone to Meet For Coffee
One Approach to Landing Your Dream Job
How to Start Using Twitter and Building Your Online Presence (Non-Toolish, Startup Remix 1.0)
The Biggest Networking Fail (And one most people trying to break in make)
Do More Than Be A Great Employee
Success Stories About People Getting Business Jobs In The Tech World (Post by my buddy Alex Taub)
Great Articles on Landing A Startup Job
The Path to Starting A Startup by Scott Weiss
Stop Applying to Startups by Quentin Farmer
Other Resources for Startup Jobs / Breaking into Tech:
Events – Startup Digest and This Week In New York Tech
Companies – Made in NYC – A list of all the startup companies in New York including who’s hiring
New York – An Entrepreneur’s Guide to New York Tech courtesy of Schlaf
Startup Primer: People to Follow on Twitter, Books, and Sites – courtesy of Besvinick
Case Studies on how some people got startup jobs and internships:
John Exley (Hashable)
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