The Surprising Key to Getting More of Everything You Ever Wanted

by Scott - 15 Comments

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We humans are a funny bunch.

We run and lift weights to get better bodies. We study to get good grades and improve our professional acumen. Some of us even spend time in the sun browning our skin because we think it will make us more attractive!! Arrribbaaa <333

But it seems like few people intentionally work their get more of everything they ever wanted muscle.

Stepping Outside of Your Comfort Zone

In my experience, the most ubiquitously available key to getting more of everything you want is becoming more comfortable with the uncomfortable.

Some call this courage. Others call it a tolerance for rejection.

Whatever you want to call it, the gap between where we are today and where we want to be is often inaction rooted in fear.

stepping outside of your comfort zone 1

The crazy thing is…most of the fear that holds people back is self-fabricated; the worst outcome of that thing you’re not doing that you know you should be really isn’t that scary.

If you’re nodding your head right now, you shouldn’t feel bad because this isn’t your fault. Majority of humans are naturally wired this way due to the way humanity has evolved over thousands of years. Unfortunately, for must of us our natural cognitive proclivity is set on the irrational angst dial : (

The Crappy News:

This unwarranted fear that prevents you from talking to people you actually want to talk to, asking for things you really want, and doing the things you know you should be will never completely go away.

The Good News:

There are certain things you can do that will make you more resilient in the face of fear and anxiety. Again, the fear will never go away completely – it just becomes much easier to rise above these feelings and ACTUALLY take all the actions you know you should be taking.

How To Rewire Your Brain by Stepping Outside of Your Comfort Zone

The only way to rewire your brain to achieve this state of being is by consistently stepping outside of your comfort zone.

Constantly ask yourself:

Am I acting out of fear or the avoidance of fear?

In a perfect fear crushing utopia, when you realize that your behavior is actually fear-driven, you would immediately do the action that scares you (if it is objectively the optimal decision).

…The thing is, consistently opting for a path of greater resistance like this is really hard. BUT if you can train yourself to do this, you’ll unlock much deeper levels of your personal potential and happiness.

My Personal Experience

When I started out on my own personal journey to consistently step outside of my comfort zone, I tried really hard to hunt my fears by always doing the immediate action that scared me. But after a short period of awesome momentum, I noticed that I let life get in the way of this practice.

[quote style=”1″]Uhh…I’m running late to work, so I’m not going to talk to that beautiful girl that just walked by. I’m backlogged on email, so I’m not going to email that person I’ve been looking up to from a distance.[/quote]

Bullshiat excuses anyone?

I eventually came to the conclusion that the only way I’d be able to step outside of my comfort zone with the regularity that I wanted to is if I scheduled it. So I’d literally block out 15 minutes a day to do something that made me uncomfortable and wouldn’t allow myself to move on to my next task until I completed this.

The growth in mindset, courage and freedom I attribute to this practice has been astounding.

The Compliment Challenge

Today, I wanted to share one of the exercises I started doing to intentionally step outside my comfort zone: stopping strangers to compliment them.

Compliment strangers? Come on Scott, that’s not scary.

Really? Then why don’t you stop every person that you find pleasant and let them know how you feel. Be fricken honest with yourself…

In light of the Coffee Challenge, I thought it’d be fun to create a challenge for this activity. After a long night of mental sparring and relentless mind mapping, I decided to call it The Compliment Challenge.

Watch the video below to see The Compliment Challenge in action:


The Compliment Challenge is an awesome place to start if you’re interested in reaching a mindset where you’re actions are not dictated by fear or the avoidance of rejection.

If you do The Compliment Challenge every single day for a week, I have great confidence you’ll notice a positive change in yourself. From here, the goal is to graduate to consistently doing something a bit more uncomfortable…till forever.


I have strong conviction that few things will result in more opportunity, happiness, and abundance than making stepping outside of your comfort zone a core part of your life. If you’ve found this to be true in your own life, I’d love to hear your story in the comments!

Also, if you dig the idea of stepping outside of your comfort zone, here are 3 articles you might enjoy that I really liked:

The Science of Breaking Outside Your Comfort Zone from Alan Henry of Lifehacker

Don’t Walk…Run out Of Your Comfort Zone from Matt Chuevront of Life Without Pants

Why Getting Comfortable With Discomfort is Crucial To Success from Margie Warrell, Author of Stop Playing It Safe

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15 comments, add to the conversation.

  1. Mark Willis Borum

    Hey Man –

    I love your posts – the way they bounce between personal and business in hopes of bettering someone in the end is excellent!

    In college, I sold books door to door. Talk about being forced out of your comfort zone immediately! It’s crazy the change that happened from week 1 to just week 2 (even more so by the end of the summer). I was rejected over a thousand times times that summer, but I also sold A LOT of books, made around $2K a week by the end (paid for a trip to London & Cancun), met some really amazing people, have the BEST stories and am much more comfortable facing my fears.

    I think you are spot on in developing the habits that force you to tackle the fears in your way. More often than not, they are completely fabrications of your own mind.

    Keep it up!


    1. Scott Britton

      Mark – thanks so much for the support brother.

      I LOVE this story. I don’t think it gets any more hardcore than door to door sales. What an awesome experience.

      This kind of makes me think of the power of intentional displacement. If someone wanted to really get over there, they could incrementally increase their odds that they’d be able to break through the chasm of discomfort but thrusting them into a situation where they had to opt for the path of greater resistance….or suffer defeat.

      Very cool to hear about your positive experience and I imagine that many people on the Singleplatform sales floor have had a similar one!


  2. Nicholas Maroun

    This is a great post and definitely true. Another way of thinking about it is to list all the amazing experiences you had or people you met by staying within your comfort zone. I can’t count the people I’ve heard say that traveling outside of their own country was a life changing experience. I have yet to hear anyone say the same about never moving away from their hometown.


    1. Scott Britton

      Thanks bud and such an awesome point/idea.

      I think the richest experiences and adventures exist outside the comfort zone…that’s where the excitement is!

      I’m curious, what do you think the best way to inspire someone to get outside their comfort zone is?


      1. Nicholas Maroun

        Great question and probably sufficient for it’s own blog post. I think the best way to inspire change is to find out the other person’s goals or dreams, and give them small steps towards achieving it. Also, rather than tell someone how to achieve these dreams, ask questions that lead them to figuring out what they need to do on their own. (Stuff sticks more if you find the answer on your own).

        Example: if someone wants to go to nursing school, an easy next step would be to look up application deadlines and mark them on the calendar.


        1. Scott Britton

          Great call. This reminds me of how coaches behave – their job is not to tell, but to help someone discover the answer within. The answer is always within, you just have ask the right questions to rip it out!


  3. Jarrett Herold

    Scott –

    I am hugely into stepping outside of my comfort zone and encouraging those around me to do so as well. A lot of times this idea is focused into simple activities, like interacting with a new group of people, or trying out a new activity. I really enjoy the idea of the compliment challenge though. I have tried to do this in the past, being really transparent about how you feel and the things you notice, but it is easy to lose focus.

    For example, the other week I had noticed that a girl I had just met and was chatting with in a group was particularly good at engaging everyone that was in our circle. She made sure that each person was consumed in the conversation, and if she sensed that someone was being isolated or wasn’t as engaged, she would cater the conversation to be more suitable for the group. This was a great asset to bring to the table when meeting new groups of people and I was impressed. All too often we keep these observations about the people/things around us to ourselves, myself included, but it can make such a positive effect on ourselves and others to air these thoughts.

    In this particular situation, I chose to tell her that I had noticed that she had this particular skill and it was impressive. I obviously had to wait for a lull in the conversation to direct this compliment towards her and make sure it was well received. She was obviously taken back a bit, as this is something very forward to say to someone you just met, but definitely felt great about it and I think I was able to leave a lasting impression on her as a result.

    Not only is it a good exercise to actively push your comfort zone, but just think of how great it is to receive such candid and sincere compliments. They are so far and in between now-a-days, but I am sure that each and every one of us can remember one particular moment that is stamped in our brains, which is hard to forget. Most of us ask and receive feedback at work, but why not give this sort of feedback in other areas? Learning that you may do something particularly well can really help someone to grow in any given area. And it is in our interest to grow and better ourselves, then shelling out these observations/compliments will only encourage others to do the same for us! Its also really attractive to be able to speak directly and confidently about things which are normally kept out of daily conversations. This makes me think of your one buddy’s video post in the Kickass Academy on Russell Brand and how he can casually bring sexual comments into a conversation and switch back seamlessly.

    Pretty awesome man! This idea will definitely be on my mind now, so thanks for sharing. Great post!


    1. Scott Britton

      Hey buddy! I really appreciate this thoughtful comment. The one insight that I particularly loved:

      “but just think of how great it is to receive such candid and sincere compliments. They are so far and in between now-a-days, but I am sure that each and every one of us can remember one particular moment that is stamped in our brains, which is hard to forget.”


      These are so rare which I think is why makes them so powerful. I think authenticity is electric and magnetic because it conveys such unflinching confidence and comfort with yourself.

      Glad to hear you enjoyed this man and as always, appreciate your support


  4. lifeofmatt

    Love this! I once had the habit of doing an uncomfortable thing every day, but I’ve gotten away from it. So many of the best changes in my life have come from running as fast as I can towards fear and discomfort.

    Joining the wrestling team, applying to Americorps, launching a coaching program… all a result of going towards fear, all life changing.

    One thing I find interesting is that fear so often manifests itself as logic, apathy, poor time management… anything but having to admit to ourselves that we’re scared. What Steven Pressfield calls resistance.

    I can’t wait to hear what else you have to say on the topic :).

    P.S. Just scheduled something that scares me for tomorrow. Love that idea.


    1. Scott Britton

      I love hearing your personal story with this man.

      You’re so right that we have the natural tendency to disguise the truth for something easier to come to grips with. It’s not easy to be brutally honest with yourself but doing it by far and away yields the greatest growth…

      To quote one of my favs Tim Ferriss – “If it’s not scheduled, it’s not real”


  5. Larry L.

    I was at a water park with my nephew. He is entering high school and is very interested in business. He was explaining to me how he has makes approximately $50 a month from his Youtube gaming videos. I had just read the Coffee Challenge post and relayed the story to him. On our last day at the water park he comes back with his brother and my son with a full bottle of Gatorade. He proceeds to tell me he walked up to a complete stranger and asked her for a Gatorade. She hesitated and then said “sure, what flavor”. He said he was working up to it all day! Kids getting an early start. I sent him the link to this video, I think I am creating a beast, through you!


    1. Scott Britton

      That is so awesome. I can’t even imagine all the awesome experiences I would have had if I would have started doing this earlier instead of sitting on the fear sidelines. What a cool story Larry and thanks so much for sharing!


  6. blake41

    Really enjoyed this. I’m always amazed by how many things I do that are “out of my comfort zone” and my friends think I’m nuts for doing, and yet how visceral my fear is of doing other things that don’t seem objectively and crazier/scarier/more difficult. It’s strange to me that that courage muscle waxes and wanes depending on the particular thing, rather than being fearless, I’m situationally fearless and still terrified in other situations. I’ve had one project on the backburner for months now because I’m too scared to put it into action. I think this is still a great technique to build up the courage muscle.


    1. Scott Britton

      Thanks for reading bud.

      I’m the same way in that I tend to be situationally fearless. Working on it though. I think the first key is awareness, than second is taking smaller steps towards engaging with those that scare you.

      Hopefully i see that scary project in the world soon : )


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