There’s No App for That?

by Scott

Apps make our lives easier…but they aren’t going to actually do the heavy lifting for us. 

One of the attendees of my last skillshare class expressed some disappointment after I described how I manage my network. My personal CRM methodology is built on Google Docs. Specifically, I use a spreadsheet to keep track of the last time I connected with select people amongst other notes).

“I was really hoping that you had some type of app that you used for managing your network. Spreadsheets don’t work for me” he said.

Like anyone who takes pride in their work, I took some time to chew on this comment during my subway ride home…

The reason the spreadsheet “didn’t work for him” is because he wasn’t willing to …
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Do More than Be A Great Employee

by Scott

Most young people working at a startup have aspirations of starting their own company some day. If you’re in this camp, I think its important to aspire to more than just being a great employee. Your tenure working for someone else is an awesome time to also familiarize yourself with the unique challenges of starting and executing on something. Gaining insight into what it’s actually like will better prepare you for the day you ultimately go out on your own.

As an employee you often have the luxury of:

   ⁃    Structure: your work starts and ends at a certain time at a designated place
   ⁃    Direction: an understanding of what you’re to accomplish and how to do that
   ⁃    …
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I’m Reading 850 Books in 2012: Part Two

by Scott

In the first part of this post, I defined inputs and outputs in the context of progressing your career. The main point is that you should consider the degree to which inputs enhance outputs when evaluating how you spend your time. Reading 850 books might sound cool, be fun and make you feel good, but it might not yield the highest return on your time if you looking to become the startup sensai you set out to be.

I think a much more effective way to become a badass is to focus on outputs. Here’s why:

Real Learning and Behavior Change Occurs

Consuming content (inputs) in terms of building skills allows me to familiarize myself with things. I can learn what …
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