Burrito Bowl Hacking and The Contrast Principle

by Scott

If you like buritto bowls, behavioral psychology, and life hacks you will like this article.

Few things interest me more than human behavior and getting more chicken and guac in my buritto bowls. I could eat burrito bowls all day long.

Fresh off reading Influence by Robert Cialdini for the 2nd time, I had lunch with my fellow carnivore buddy Charlie at this new burrito place Guac Star. I noticed that he ordered a chicken bowl without rice AND BEANS.

As a “just black beans” with meat guy, I was intrigued…

…I started thinking about the contrast principle from Influence and whether there was an opportunity to leverage this concept in this situation.

The Contrast Principle states that humans make relative judgements instead …
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Goal Setting Life-Hack: Leverage Your Password

by Scott

One of the most important things we can do to achieve our goals is to write them down on a regular basis. But this means adding a new, time-consuming process to our workflow.

A practice I’ve found effective, is to routinely change my email password to something that’s indicative of my most important goal (at that point in time). Do you want to be the top salesman at your company? Change your password to “topsales.” Trying to lose 20 lbs? Change your password to “20lbs.” For email, it helps if you require entering your password every time you sign in.


This is a simple practice that inserts the process of goal-affirmations into your existing workflow. When you apply this to something used …
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