Lifehack Video Fun: 80/20 Approach to Networking, Creating Serendipity, And MAS
by Scott
I recently talked lifehacks, BD, WHY YOU SHOULD NEVER LINKEDIN MESSAGE SOMEONE etc at the New York Lifehack Meetup. Thanks for having me Sam Hysell!
Below you’ll find some video fun where we talk about:
How I got involved with SP
How to take the 80/20 approach to hack networking (shhhh…don’t tell anyone)
Ways to “create value” for people when trying to network with the big boys
The art of “creating serendipity” and how I got Keith Ferrazzi, author of my favorite book Never Eat Alone to buy me dinner
How to give people a personal update on your life without it being a “ME, ME, ME” fest
What the law of reciprocity is and how to leverage the heck out of it to convince someone to meet you …
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