I’m running a giveaway contest in conjunction with the launch of a new book that reveals 63 lifehacks where I’m giving away $1000 worth of stuff for 30 seconds of your time.
The details of this contest are pretty straightforward….but first, let’s talk prizes!!
Actually, there will be up to 3 winners : )
By simply leaving a positive review on Amazon for the book, you will be automatically be entered into a contest to get access to all my current online courses + something new that’s coming out soon…
Collectively this stuff costs more than $1,000 bones, hence the name 1K giveaway.
Here is the link to download the book
Here is the link again
Note* you can also leave a review immediately after you finish by scrolling to the very last page.
Click “write a review” button
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Thanks again for your support. I really appreciate it : )