The 1K Kindle Review Giveaway

I’m running a giveaway contest in conjunction with the launch of a new book that reveals 63 lifehacks where I’m giving away $1000 worth of stuff for 30 seconds of your time.


The details of this contest are pretty straightforward….but first, let’s talk prizes!!

Winner Winner, Chicken Dinner

Actually, there will be up to 3 winners : )

By simply leaving a positive review on Amazon for the book, you will be automatically be entered into a contest to get access to all my current online courses + something new that’s coming out soon…

Hint: The new product will teach you how to make stacks of cash while you snooze…hence the picture of a dude sitting next to cash mountains.


Collectively this stuff costs more than $1,000 bones, hence the name 1K giveaway.

How to Enter The Contest: 5 Easy Steps

Step 1: Head to the Amazon Book Page and Download the Book For Free

Here is the link to download the book

Step 2: Navigate Back to The Book Page

Here is the link again

Note* you can also leave a review immediately after you finish by scrolling to the very last page.

Step 3: Scroll down to the “Customer Reviews” section

Click “write a review” button


Step 4: Leave a Review and Star Rating


Step 5: Enter Your Email Into This Box So I Know That You’ve Entered


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Thanks again for your support. I really appreciate it : )