How Skillshare Helped Me Finance A Nicer Apartment
by Scott
I love a lot of things about Skillshare. But today I’d like to highlight what it’s done for my finances and purchasing decisions.
Most people’s income is static with the exception of a year-end bonus. This yearly income determines their monthly budget. I.E. If I made $48,000 I’d have a little over $2500 a month after taxes to spend on rent, groceries, entertainment, bills, etc.
In this situation, purchasing decisions are a zero sum game because our income is capped. If I’m moving and want to spend an extra $200 on rent, that means I’ll have $200 less to spend on entertainment, tank tops, Dos Toros etc. The bottom line is we’re forced to make sacrifices.
What’s amazing about Skillshare is that it …
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