My Unexpected Journey in Muscle Testing (1 of 7)

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This post is part 1 of a 7 part series on my personal experience working with applied kinesiology (muscle testing) and David Hawkins Map of Consciousness. 

  1. My Unexpected Journey in Muscle Testing
  2. If Muscle Testing and Consciousness Had A Baby
  3. Quantifying Consciousness Using the Map of Consciousness
  4. Ascending the Map of Consciousness and Its Implications
  5. Measuring & Understanding My Own Consciousness
  6. Emergent Phenomena Consistent with the Map of Consciousness
  7. Measuring the Consciousness of the World Around You

“Stay away from Oranges”

Suffice it to say my first directive from muscle testing wasn’t exactly earth shattering. 

The first time I did it was with my acupuncturist in New York. I had some stomach pain and he used the technique to test me for food allergies.

The basic premise of muscle testing is that your body is intelligent. It is connected to information (consciousness) and you can use the response of your nervous system to determine physical disharmony. It’s a becoming an increasingly popular tool amongst alternative health practitioners.

Perhaps less discussed, is using the nervous system response with muscle testing as a tool to discern truth or lack thereof.

In practice this looks like someone posing a statement or holding a substance close to your body while applying force to your muscles. The most common approach is someone pressing down on your arm. Here’s a pic of my girlfriend helping me perform a two person test which can be done seated or standing.

muscle testing

If a substance is supportive of life or a statement is true, it will maintain its strength. Conversely, your body will react weakly to the absence of truth or things that do not support life.

There are many nuances to this concept, but the applications are nearly infinite and implications monumental when you begin to work with this tool in your own life.

I recognize that as you read this, many of you are skeptics. I was too! And for every paper indicating muscle testing supporting muscle testing as a diagnostic tool, there is one refuting it.

I have a number of opinions as to why Science has not been able to definitively prove muscle testing which I will be writing about in follow up posts. For my own evaluation, my allegiance is to whether something works for me then what our current depth of science can empirically prove. 

Remember when science was telling us that certain foods were good for us 15 years ago that now we no longer touch? It’s but one input that is constantly evolving from which to evaluate something. 

Back to the Muscle Testing story…

The initial muscle test with my acupuncturist in New York that concluded in telling me to avoid oranges planted a seed in me that would eventually blossom over time. Being a consummate seeker of peak health at the time, I put “investigate muscle testing” into my maybe/someday list to see what other pieces of information I might be able to garner from this peculiar test.

Fast forward a few years and I found myself again struggling with stomach issues and frankly the worst stint of poor health in my life. 

I had been referred to a holistic gut health Dr. in Austin after what seemed like exhausting every avenue of medical assistance. When I came into her office, part of her initial diagnostic was performing muscle tests on me. She did this by holding specific vials of unknown substances to me while pressing down on my arm to see if it went strong or weak. 

Upon concluding the exercise, she stood in front of me and blurted out:

“You have parasites.” 

I was a bit taken aback. The idea of something living inside of me was pretty gross. I also had tested negative for parasites a year earlier using a stool sample sent to a lab. 

Desperate for any conclusion as to why I had been feeling like crap, I accepted that this might be true and began a parasite detox protocol using a company called Cellcore.

To my amazement, weeks later I saw what clearly looked like a parasite in my stool. It looked like a white, mucusey long strand.

Holy shit!?! I couldn’t believe that thing came out of me. I was elated to be free of something that had something that seemingly had been wreaking havoc on my system. I also was astonished at the accuracy of this non-traditional diagnosis using muscle testing.

Why hadn’t any of the other 10 doctors I’d seen in the last year suggested a parasite? How come nothing came up when I had shipped my stool off to a fancy lab or done gut microbiome testing?

In the following weeks, I started to feel better. I had more energy and my body started to change from working out again.

I felt like I was getting my life back…and I couldn’t help but dive into this peculiar technique that helped me move in this positive direction.

I knew that one of my favorite authors Dr. David Hawkins that wrote Letting Go first wrote extensively about the concept of muscle testing in his seminal work Power vs. Force so I decided to start my investigation by reading that book.

I had no idea the extent to which this information would change my life, but boy I am glad I followed this curiosity.

In part 2, I will attempt to describe muscle testing in more detail. You can skip ahead to ant part of this series here:

This post is part 7 part series on my personal experience working with applied kinesiology (muscle testing) and David Hawkins Map of Consciousness. 

  1. My Unexpected Journey in Muscle Testing
  2. If Muscle Testing and Consciousness Had A Baby
  3. Quantifying Consciousness Using the Map of Consciousness
  4. Ascending the Map of Consciousness and Its Implications
  5. Measuring & Understanding My Own Consciousness
  6. Emergent Phenomena Consistent with the Map of Consciousness
  7. Measuring the Consciousness of the World Around You

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