Awesome LinkedIn Hack: Part Dos

by Scott

I’ll make this short and sweet. I previously wrote about how to find prospect’s full name when you encounter a private profile like the example below (sorry Marco for using you as a a guinea pig!).


Unfortunately, this trick doesn’t always work because some people choose not to display their public profile…sigh.

Fear not! I found a work-around that almost always solves this problem. Check out the brief video below to learn this tactic.

Note* if have trouble viewing the presentation it’s because  BContext files might not work with older versions of Chrome, Safari, and Firefox…update that guy.


Linkedin Hack Addendum

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A Favorite LinkedIn Hack

by Scott

I’ve been playing LinkedIn like a keyboard this week and thought I’d share one of my favorite LinkedIn hacks.

An essential task when building out a hitlist is identifying the first and last name of the decision maker. I’ll use this information to figure out their email address and have a name to call.

Let’s say I’m trying to connect with an app developer at the NFL. Unless you have a tricked out LinkedIn account, you’ll often run into this….


I need to get Marco’s last name in order to contact him and don’t feel like shelling out a couple hundred bones. A simple trick you can do here is google the target’s name and title as it appears in this profile.



Would you look at that!? …
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